Voice, Video and Web

Web Coding and Design Standards


These standards outline the requirements and guidelines for web page coding and design at Creighton University.


  1. Valid HTML or XHTML. The web team standard DOCTYPE is XHTML1.0 strict.
  2. The University Graphic Standard is applicable to all web sites. This includes typography, logo usage, color palette and any other standard outlined in the graphics standard manual that can be found at http://logo.creighton.edu.  Any questions on interpretation of web standards should be addressed to the web team.
  3. Editorial Guideline standards must be also be followed for web content.
  4. All departmental and official University websites must meet ADA 508 Priority 1. Every effort should be made to meet Priority 2. Please review the Accessibility Policy for information on accessibility on the University web.  http://www.webaim.org can be used as a resource.
  5. Top “global branding” to the University is required and is restricted to global items.
    1. The Creighton header and footer will be designed by Marketing and Communication, and will be consistent across all external facing web pages.
    2. The site owner will define their own meta-menu, which will be used across the entirety of their site.
    3. The site owner will choose the layout of their pages based on existing functionality
    4. The site owner will define their own "sub-footer" that allows their contact information, social media icons, and their own approved logo.