Network & Security

Simulated Phishing Tests

Information security is a shared responsibility for everyone at Creighton University.

Because there’s a lot going on right now, it’s an opportunity for Cybercriminals to take advantage. They attempt to lure you into clicking on an email link or opening an attachment that infects your computer with viruses or malware.

One of the ways we’re trying to protect Creighton is by sending out simulated phishing tests. These tests will periodically send false phishing emails to faculty, staff, and students.  This isn’t intended to trick or shame anyone. This type of training is meant to build up our security reflexes by keeping the threat at the forefront of our attention.  Phishing simulations are a common training mechanism used across the AJCU and other Higher Ed institutions.

If you encounter any phishing email, please report it to or just delete it as you do today. If a simulated phishing message tricks you into clicking a suspicious link, or submit information, you will be presented with training, explaining what has occurred, how to recognize phishing email, and how to improve your information security.

Watch this video for an explanation as to why we are doing this and how it will help:

If you click on a link or submit information from a simulate phishing message, you will be presented with training, explaining what has occurred, how to recognize phishing email, and how to improve your information security.