Table of Contents
1. Purpose
2. Council Charter
3. Data Steward Charter
4. Data Custodian Charter
5. End-User Charter
6. EDM Stakeholders Listing
1. Purpose
In order to achieve the optimum-level of performance in managing Creighton University’s mission-critical data assets, a cross-functional delegation and “logical” separation of data governance duties has been established. Charters are established for each role that defines their mission and goals; authorization and boundaries; lines-of-communication; communication methods and tools; and deliverables.
2. Council Charter
The Mission of the Council is to continually monitor and evaluate the forces driving change in order to provide EDM product and release strategies that satisfy Creighton’s University’s evolving business needs in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
Understand and promote the EDM Vision and Mission
Work collectively as a cross-functional team to identify gaps and/or opportunities to maximize and leverage an enterprise-wide data strategy based on unbiased and non-subjective “strategic” decisions.
Identify and/or approve the appointment of qualified Data Steward(s) where “protected” data elements cross Data Trustee business domain(s).
Retain and/or delegate the authority to define, develop, approve, monitor EDM policies, standards, architecture, procedures, and processes.
Retain and/or delegate the authority to address risk and data related issues at the strategic-level.
Evaluate and prioritize change requests based on strategic considerations such as risk, synergy, industry, competition, prospect, legal, technology, pricing, promotion, customer satisfaction, etc.
Authorization and Boundaries
Qualified Council members are appointed by the Sponsor, who also approves all funding for the Enterprise Data Management initiatives. Along with the Sponsor, the following roles are represented within the Council:
The Facilitator role is authorized to serve as the product manager and liaison between the Council and DoIT Release Management for all EDM related matters.
Provide understanding, management, and visibility to the EDM product strategy (i.e. Change Management, Architecture, Policies, Standards, Procedures, Processes, Constraints, etc.).
Communicate the status of EDM project initiatives underway.
Coordinate and communicate risk related issue management at the strategic-level.
Coordinate the prioritization process and the strategic tradeoff decisions-making process.
Owns and coordinates design, development, and content management of the EDM website.
Data Trustee
The Data Trustee role is authorized to represent one-or-more “business domains”, where they assume the data stewardship accountability at the strategic-level of the university.
Identify and appoint qualified Data Steward(s) by subject area(s) where protected and/or non-protected data elements are within the Data Trustee’s business domain(s).
Collaborate with Data Steward(s) within business domain(s) to ensure informed strategic decision-making.
DoIT Executive
The DoIT Executive is authorized to represent the Information Technology professionals, who are the “technical” custodians of the enterprise data assets.
Chairs the DoIT Change Advisory Board and provides high-level impact analysis and estimated level-of-effort on change requests.
Drives change requests related to technology enhancements to improve productivity and system performance.
The number of stakeholders on the Council should be limited to as few members as possible. A single point-of-contact approach should be utilized, with the understanding that each stakeholder will collaborate with as many resources at their disposal for input into their decision-making process.
Communication Methods
Business justification, submission, evaluation, approval, and prioritization of change requests
Product Definition and Product Roadmap
Strategic tradeoff decision-making
Strategic-level approved of EDM policies, standards, architecture, procedures, and processes
Resolution of escalated risk related issues
Create and maintain strategic-level metadata related to data stewardship and governance decisions
3. Data Steward Charter
The Mission of Data Stewardship is to serve as the subject-matter experts in managing the university’s enterprise data assets on the behalf of the end-user community and in the best interests of Creighton University.
Understand and promote the EDM Vision and Mission
Represent the end-user community within assigned business domain(s) and subject area(s) as their “surrogate” product manager.
Actively serve as a member of the Business Intelligence (BI) Steering Committee to ensure that an enterprise perspective is taken in managing the quality, protection, and effective use of enterprise data assets.
Authorization and Boundaries
Elicit data requirements from the end-user community within assigned business domain(s) and/or subject area(s).
Participate as a member of the BI Steering Committee to identify and drive business opportunities that build synergies from data requirements gathered across business domains and/or subject areas.
Participate as a member of the BI Steering Committee to identify data inconsistencies and drive changes that promote data quality through a “single version of the truth”.
Participate as a member of the BI Steering Committee to analyze, refine, test, and approve logical data models and physical database designs (i.e. data architecture).
Participate as a member of the BI Steering Committee to define data retention, business continuity planning, and service- level agreements.
Participate as a member of the BI Steering Committee in the evaluation and selection of BI Tools that are priced for performance and promote economies of scale across Creighton University.
Participate as a member of the BI Steering Committee to evaluate the need to integrate external data sources.
Participate as a member of the BI Steering Committee to classify enterprise data as “protected” or “public”, and to participate in data security audits.
Participate as a member of the BI Steering Committee to identify and manage risk and data issues as they arise and escalate to the strategic-level when necessary.
Participate as a member of the BI Steering Committee to identify and resolve content management issues.
Serve as BI Tool Administrator within assigned business domain(s) and subject area(s) to authorize BI Tool entitlements through role based access controls.
Provide BI Tool training and technical support to enable the end-user community to self-service at their level of ability.
The number of stakeholders on the BI Steering Committee should be limited to as few members as possible, where each data steward represents their subject area’s end-user community. A BI Architect will serve as chairperson on the BI Steering Committee and also serve as the single point-of-contact when submitting change requests, and when working with the Data Architect.
Communication Methods
Ongoing collaboration with end-user community
Weekly BI Steering Committee meeting
Quarterly data quality and security audit reviews
Documented user and functional requirements
Strategic tradeoff options
BI Tool Scorecard, evaluations, and selection
Documented EDM policies and procedures
Resolved or escalated risk and data related issues
Create and maintain tactical and operational levels of metadata related to data stewardship responsibilities
4. Data Custodian Charter
The mission of the Custodians is to provide the
The mission of the Council is to align the “strategic” direction of the university with the
The mission of the Council is to continually evaluate the forces driving the
The mission of the Council is to continually evaluate the forces driving the
Communication Methods and Tools
The mission of the Council is to continually evaluate the forces driving the
The mission of the Council is to continually evaluate the forces driving the
5. End-User Charter
The mission of the Council is to continually evaluate the forces driving the