EDM Website Overview
Enterprise Data Management is a “framework” of individuals, processes, and services that ensure that mission-critical data assets are formally managed and aligned throughout the enterprise to achieve a single version of the truth. This includes:
1) Alerts and News Updates
Alerts and News Updates will provide the appropriate-level of notifications to the EDM stakeholder community.
2) EDM Stakeholders
Data Governance ensures that data can be trusted and that EDM “stakeholders” can be held accountable for any adverse event that happens because of data quality issues. As the university continues to evolve, data governance provides an efficient and effective approach to integrate information so that it can be utilized by the entire organization
3) EDM Security
Data Security is a based on standards, policies, processes, and procedures established that include authentication, authorization, access control, and auditability of user actions in order to protect access to and use of data resources only by authorized users. The goals of data security are to ensure appropriate-levels of integrity, protection, and availability.
4) EDM Product Strategy
The Product Strategy defines Creighton University’s vision, mission, strategic goals, and product definition as they relate to “what” is being built for the Enterprise Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence solution to meet its current and future business needs.
5) EDM Release Strategy
The Release Strategy focuses primarily with the internal environment in determining “how” to best utilize resources and processes to implement the Product Strategy.
6) EDM Architecture
The Data Architecture defines the total view of the university’s data from source systems, through transformations, into target data stores, and all associated data configurations.
The Enterprise Metadata Repository is basically an encyclopedia about the data warehouse environment starting with the operational source systems and ending with the BI Tool(s). The metadata repository is utilized for a number of purposes including: master data management; data governance; impact analysis; end-user data navigation; education and training; and internal/external audits.
7) Information Management and Delivery (IMD)
IMD provides information about the current reporting environment, and also provides a single point of access to data through an centralized BI Tool. The BI Tool will be used to manage end-user self-servicing entitlements help ensure the consistent use of institutional data across multiple functional areas.
8) Job Scheduling
Job Scheduling will provide up-to-date listings of “when” DBA, ETL, and IMD processes are executed to manage data availability and performance expectations.
9) Get Help
The Get Help provides the EDM stakeholder community the ability to request or self-service their data access needs.
10) Enlightenment
This section provides individuals with enlightenment in all facets of the Enterprise Data Management environment.