IT Services


The Change Advisory Board (CAB) helps to ensure that changes to IT systems are managed in a rational and predictable manner.  CAB is responsible for enforcing change management policies within IT and for overseeing and approving request for changes (RFCs).   The security team manages the operations, policies, and procedures of the change advisory board.  The CISO acts as the meeting chair, and a member of the security team serves as a voting member.  

- myIT CAB meets every Thursday (while university is open), 1:00 pm, in the Old Gym 4th floor conference room
- Request for Changes (RFC's) should be submitted at least 2 weeks before implementation
- Attendance is necessary to represent your RFC

To access current CAB information or submit / change a CAB item

Responsibilities of CAB

  • Assessment of RFCs – considering impact, availability of resources, priorities, authorization and coordination of changes
  • Provide advice to the Division Change Manager on whether to approve changes
  • Confirm, review and agree to the FSC
  • Review Change Management metrics
  • Discussion of topics affecting the Change Management Process
  • Discussion (from a change management perspective), of topics affecting the business
  • Review of Post Implementation Reviews
  • Review backed-out and failed Changes
  • Assess and advise the Division Change Manager to approve a Standard Pre-Approved Change application

CAB Membership Composition

The Change Advisory Board (CAB) needs to have representation from the entire organization.  This is impractical due to the number of individuals that would be required. To streamline this requirement, membership is defined as including permanent members who attend all meetings and ad hoc members who attend the meeting based on the agenda. Each permanent member of the CAB has a named designated backup. In the event that a member (or the designate) does not attend the CAB meeting, they implicitly approve all CAB decisions.

CAB Permanent Members:

  • myIT Change Manager (Chair)
  • Designated member of the Customer Support
  • Designated member of Network and Data
  • Designated member of Enterprise Applications
  • Designated member of Systems Administration
  • Designated member of Innovative Applications
  • Designated member of the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
  • Designated member of Health and Clinical IT

* All designated members are identified in the CAB application.

Ad hoc membership can include:

  • Members of the campus community who submitted a RFC.
  • Members of the campus community who may be impacted by a change to be discussed
  • Members of the campus community who have an interest to learn more about upcoming changes.