Standard Desktop Service Level Agreement 2015-2016
- General Overview
- Service Description
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Requesting Service
- Hours of Coverage, Response Times and Complaint Resolution
- Maintenance and Service Changes
- Pricing
- Review and Reporting
- Approvals
1 General Overview
This is a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the campus community and the Division of Information Technology to document:
- The Standard Desktop Support (SDS) Service
- The general levels of response, availability, and maintenance associated with this service.
- The responsibilities of DoIT as a provider of this service
- The responsibilities of the clients receiving this service
- Deviations from the standard processes documented in the IT and Campus SLA.
This Agreement is valid from Sept 1, 2015. Review is every two years, or as needed.
2 Service Description
The Division clearly documents services provided in the Service Catalog which can be found at doit.creighton.edu.
2.1 Service Scope
The Standard Desktop Support service is an integrated suite of support services for campus faculty and staff university-owned Windows and Mac computers. Whenever possible, support staff will use remote control tools to provide assistance and service support.
Support is provided by the most efficient method available primarily over the phone, with remote control assistance, via email, Easy Vista self-service and through in person visits.
SDS features are organized around the lifecycle of a supported computer and include:
Software - Plan / Purchase
- The Division publishes supported software standards to inform software purchasing and support at: Software Standards
- The Division provides an order form for selected standard software applications and coordinates software license purchases for university-owned computers. The order form is available at: (TBD)
Hardware - Plan / Purchase
- Most employees will never need to order a computer as the campus Technology Refresh program will replace their computer every 3-5 years, normally about 12-24 months after the warranty has expired. See doit.creighton.edu for more details.
- For exceptions that are not covered by the refresh program, the Division publishes new computer hardware purchase recommendations (Lenovo and Apple) that can be ordered via Gov Connection. These recommendations are updated in response to changes in vendor offerings. Recommended hardware and exception examples can be found at: Computer Standards
- New computers are configured with a baseline standard set of software including a current operating system, licensed common software applications, anti-virus/anti-spyware software, and remote administration tools.
- Computers are configured in compliance with campus security policies, and other configurations that may be specific to divisions or units.
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Remote Access Requirements
- Minimum Network Connectivity Requirements
- Data classification and security policy
- Computers are configured to use campus services such as email, calendar, VPN, and connections to the campus wired and wireless networks.
- Software not included in the baseline standard is installed when requested and properly licensed. Clients may be asked to provide installation media for non-standard software.
- Computer setup includes:
- Migration of client documents and preferences. Clients can assist by using office 365 OneDrive for their documents and files.
- Configuration of standard networked printers
- Retention of client data for a minimum of two weeks to ensure complete data transfer
- Physical relocation of computers is supported on a case-by-case basis as determined by DoIT Service Center staff. Please enter a request at doit.creighton.edu.
- Software Support
- Support technicians will install and upgrade software in response to client requests, changes to campus standards, security requirements, or to resolve problems. Software may be installed with remote tools.
- Supported software is installed on university-owned Windows and Mac computers used for research, instruction, and university business.
- Proof of license must be provided. DoIT has installers for most common applications.
- If DoIT does not have installation media, the person requesting the installation must provide the media.
- Some software requires specialized configuration. IT Service Desk staff can configure software if documentation is available.
- In accordance with security policy, only software that is being actively updated/patched by the vendor will be installed. Exceptions will be made for university business or business systems which are not compatible with current software versions.
- Software Troubleshooting Support
- Support staff will provide assistance for software that is not launching or functioning properly.
- Initial investigation is always provided to determine if the software issue is system or network-related.
- Problems with some business systems or specialized software may be referred to system specialists.
- Software & Services Usage Support
- The Service Desk facilitates finding documented solutions to requests regarding features and functions of supported software or IT services used on supported computers.
- Service Desk staff will assist clients with application use questions in the form of referring to help systems, Google, Knowledge Base articles, and other online resources.
- For software not on the standard software list, Desktop Support will resolve installation and functional errors where solutions are practically available.
- Computer Repairs
- Support for computer warranty repairs includes equipment pickup, shipping, tracking, and return. Completion of repairs is verified.
- Non-warranty repair is provided for standard computers for which the extended warranty has expired. Repair by support technicians includes replacement of user-serviceable parts provided by the customer. Clients may need to utilize a non-campus repair vendor for non-user-serviceable part repair.
- Printing functions of standard networked printers are supported including deployment and configuration of printer settings, registration, and printing from business systems (FIS, PPS, etc.)
- Installation of client-provided driver software for peripherals such as printers, scanners, external storage devices, and input devices
- When practical, temporary access to the web and web-enabled tools such as campus email and calendar systems are provided while a computer is being replaced or repaired. Temporary computer loans are dependent on availability from divisional equipment pools.
- The Division coordinates computer disposal with campus surplus and e-waste programs. Data is securely erased on storage devices prior to disposal.
2.1.1 Client Requirements
The following requirements apply to clients receiving Desktop services.
- Clients will provide access to supported computers either in-person or from remote management tools.
- Clients will be available to support staff to answer questions that facilitate service delivery.
- Clients will submit requests for service using standard methods.
- Client-purchased equipment may need to be stored by client until scheduled time of deployment.
- Clients must provide proof of license when requesting software installation.
- Clients will provide installation media for printer or peripheral device driver installation if needed.
- Clients will validate data transfers to new computers within two weeks before requesting disposal of old computers
- Clients will submit requests to initiate data destruction and surplus/disposal of old equipment
2.1.2 Boundaries of Service Features & Functions
Standard Desktop Support (SDS) is available for computers that meet the following criteria:
- The supported equipment is university property, not personally owned
- Computer is compatible with standard operating system requirements
- Computer is running a Standard Operating System as listed on the standard software web page.
- Support technician administrative access exists or can be created on the computer. This can be a local SDS admin account or a domain account with admin access.
- Service Center can re-image a computer when necessary to resolve an incident or complete a service request.
- Service Center has the ability to remotely control the computer with the client’s authorization
- Computers in labs may be eligible for support on a per-lab basis if the lab configuration meets all other requirements for service support. Clients should contact the SDS service manager to evaluate lab support.
2.2 Service Level Performance
2.2.1 General Service Levels
The DoIT goal is to assign and acknowledge incidents and service requests within 8 business hours of receipt. An incident is any interruption in the normal functioning of a service or system.
2.2.2 Specific Service Levels
At this time there are no service levels specific to the Standard Desktop Support service.
3 Roles and Responsibilities
3.1 Parties
The following Service Owner(s) will be used as the basis of the Agreement and represent the primary stakeholders associated with this SLA:
Standard Desktop Support Director |
JD Rummel |
Service Center Director |
Robert Aki |
Divisional Technology Coordinators |
Arts & Sciences |
Will Solomon |
Deborah Wells |
Campus Life |
Wayne Young Jr. |
University Relations |
Robby Daniels |
School of Medicine |
Garret Soukup |
Ministry and Mission |
Dental |
Matt Andersen |
Pharmacy |
Betty Poutre |
Law |
Ed Austin |
Nursing |
Christina Murcek |
University College |
Gail Jensen |
3.2 IT Responsibilities
The Division will provide the infrastructure, technology, people, processes and monitoring tools necessary to provide Standard Desktop Support and:
- Clearly document the service provided in Service Catalog.
- Meet response times associated with the priority assigned to incidents and service requests.
- Publish reports on service level performance at doit.creighton.edu.
- Appropriately notify Customers of all scheduled maintenance via the Maintenance Calendar, Service Catalog web page and/or a communication to campus via the DoIT Alert.
3.3 Customer Responsibilities
Customer responsibilities and/or requirements in support of this Agreement include:
- Comply with university and campus IT policy and guidelines including:
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Remote Access Guidelines
- Minimum Network Connectivity Requirements
- Data Classification Policy
- Cloud Computing policy
- Utilize the standard contact methods (Section 4) for incidents # Availability of client representative(s) when resolving a service related incident or request
- Availability of client representative(s) when resolving a service related incident or request
- Contact the IT Service Manager or Technology Coordinators to request additions or changes in established service levels
- Service Manager: Robert Aki, 402-280-3331.
- Customers are responsible for peripheral replacement and associated software costs including cables, peripherals, dock’s and lock-down devices.
4 Requesting Service
See the IT and Campus SLA for standard methods of contacting IT for service.
- Online – doit.creighton.edu
- Phone (402-280-2262)
- Email (servicedesk@creighton.edu)
- In-Person: Reinert Alumni Library
5 Response Times, Hours of Coverage & Complaint Resolution
For all requests, the Division's goal is to have a staff member assigned and acknowledge requests within 8 business hours of receipt. Campus priorities may require exceptions to this goal during certain times of the Academic year.
5.1 Hours of Coverage
Standard Desktop Support is provided Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm on regular campus business days.
5.2 Response
See the IT and Campus SLA.
5.3 Escalation
See the IT and Campus SLA.
5.4 Information
See the IT and Campus SLA.
5.5 Other Requests
Requests for service features and functions not provided by this service can be submitted though the Service Desk at x1111.
5.6 Service Exceptions to Coverage
Standard Desktop Support is unavailable during scheduled University holidays and campus closures/curtailment periods.
6 Maintenance and Service Changes
Computers supported via SDS may have preventative maintenance procedures applied. Clients will be notified in advance of any one-time or regularly scheduled maintenance. Maintenance may be performed in-person or using remote administration tools.
See the DoIT and Campus SLA for details of our standard maintenance and service process. See also the IT Maintenance Calendar at doit.creighton.edu.
7 Pricing
Computer support is provided with no direct recharge for services. Divisions and units are responsible for all computer peripheral hardware replacement and software costs including shipping, cables, peripherals, and lock-down devices.
For exceptions, the Division will negotiate pricing with the receiving organization. The Division will always negotiate statements of work (SOW) with the group or individual receiving non-standard services. Examples may include:
- Support for non-Xerox printers
- After hours audio-visual services
8 Reviewing and Reporting
8.1 System Performance and Availability Reporting
First-contact response time to incidents and service requests, including response times for Standard Desktop Support, will be published at doit.creighton.edu.
8.2 SLA Reviews
The Designated Review Owner (Document Owner) is responsible for facilitating regular reviews of this document. Contents of this document may be amended as required, provided mutual agreement is obtained from the primary stakeholders and communicated to all affected parties. The Document Owner will incorporate all subsequent revisions and obtain mutual agreements and approvals as required.
Designated Review Owner: Robert Aki, Service Desk Director
Previous Review Date: July 2015
Next Review Date: July 2016
9 Approvals
The Divisional Technology Coordinators and Senior Managers approve this document. This document is then published on the DoIT Service Catalog web site along with other service level agreements. Service level information is integrated into the service page in the Service Catalog.