Service Level Agreement - IT and Dental School - Draft
Quick Links:
- Introduction
- IT Responsibilities
- Dental Responsibilities
- Document Management and Change Control
- Attachment A
- Attachment B
1. Introduction
This document summarizes the Service Level Agreement between the Division of Information Technology and the Dental School, including Clinical Operations.
Service Description – See IT's Service Catalog for a complete description of all the services provided by DoIT. This document will become an addendum to the IT and Campus Service Level Agreement and will summarize the unique services to be provided for the Dental School.
2. DoIT Responsibilities
Support will be provided Monday-Friday from 7:30am-5:30pm all days the Dental School is open. For after hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and all other days when the Dental School is closed, emergency requests can be made by calling x5588. Emergency calls will be routed to the myIT Service Desk. Non-urgent requests submitted after normal support hours will be worked on the next business day. Requests (minimum of 2 weeks advance notice) for support outside of Monday-Friday from 7:30am-5:30pm can be made by contacting the myIT Service Desk at x1111.
The Assistant Dean of Clinical Operations will host a regular “Dental IT Advisory Group” meeting with myIT and Dental School members. The primary focus will be on prioritization and communication. Projects, requests and incidents will be reviewed and prioritized using Easy Vista. The prioritized list will be published and maintained by myIT. This includes support for trainers and any other scheduled Dental School events requiring technology support.
At least two times per year, the Assistant Dean of Clinical Operations (Currently Dr. Carol Murdock) will be given the opportunity to provide 360 degree feedback regarding the services provided by the myIT employees serving the Dental School. The feedback will be a required component for the myIT employee’s year-end appraisal ratings.
The myIT IT manager responsible for supporting the Dental School will work with stakeholders to identify and prioritize a set of annual goals and objectives that will be reflected in the myIT individual and team objectives for the coming year.
DoIT must provide an option for providing immediate response to “patient in chair” incidents that result in a direct line of contact to the myIT service provider. The current solution is a second line that is reserved on clinic phones for a direct line to x5588. Urgent calls (interruption to anything obstructing patient treatment) to the service desk via this option will be responded to immediately. The only exception would be other calls of the same urgency that were already in queue. If this should happen, the Assistant Dean of Clinical Operations will be consulted to prioritize incidents.
Example of urgent calls:
- Patient is receiving treatment, PC freezes or will not respond.
- Patient is receiving treatment, Care Giver reaches maximum login attempts, or frozen password.
Example of NON-urgent support calls:
- Printing problems
- Record Errors
- Patient Processing
If AxiUm and/or MiPACS are not available, myIT will immediately engage all support techs assigned to Dental in a “Code Red” process dedicated to identification, communication and resolution of the problem. See IT and Campus Service Level Agreement for more details. Other myIT support resources will be engaged as needed. After approximately 6 months from the start date of this SLA, DoIT will present baseline service metrics for all the above. myIT will then work with stakeholders to establish metrics based objectives that will become part of the appraisal process for the Dental support team. Completion of this task is dependent on all requests and incidents funneling through the service desk. Typical metrics might include:
- AxiUm and MiPACS availability
- First call resolution
- Customer satisfaction
- Incident and request statistics
- Average response times
See Attachment “A” for list of tasks, jobs, and duties that are the responsibility of the myIT team.
3. Dental Responsibilities
The Dental school will provide adequate space for the Dental IT Team. myIT IT Leadership will coordinate all facilities related activity with the Dental Operations Director.
Dental to provide DoIT with an operations schedule of key events and peak activity times so that support can be planned and adjusted. Any new event to be added to the schedule would require at least 2 weeks advanced notice. Requests for exceptions should be submitted to the myIT Dental IT Manager.
All requests and incidents should be submitted via x5588 to the Dental IT Service Desk or by email to dentalit@creighton.edu. This includes incidents and requests for: applications, pc’s, data, user accounts, web development, programming, and reporting. Commitment dates for low priority requests will be negotiated on a case by case basis. See the IT Service Catalog at doit.creighton.edu for a list of services.
On-boarding and Off-boarding of new Dental employees. Notify Dental IT via x5588.
Service related escalations should be reported in the order below:
- Service Desk – x1111
- IT Director – J Rummel
- IT VP – Russ Pearlman
Compliance with university and campus IT policies and guidelines including (but not limited to):
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Data Classification Policy
- Cloud Computing policy
- Security Incident Reporting
- University Policies can be found at: https://www.creighton.edu/generalcounsel/cupolicies/
See Attachment “B” for list of tasks, jobs, and duties that are the responsibility of the Dental Operations Team.
4. Document Management and Change Control
The Document Owners are responsible for facilitating regular reviews of this document. Contents of this document may be amended as required, provided mutual agreement is obtained from the primary stakeholders and communicated to all affected parties. The Document Owner will incorporate all subsequent revisions and obtain mutual agreements and approvals as required.
Document Owners:
Russ Pearlman – VP IT
Previous Review Date: Jan 2016
Next Review Date: July 2017
5. Attachment A - Example Reference List of DoIT Dental IT responsibilities
6. Attachment B - Example Reference List of Dental Operations Responsibilities
- All aspects of student teaching. Includes MiPACS and AxiUm
- Dental Staff training. Includes MiPACS and AxiUm
- Dental Faculty training. Includes MiPACS and AxiUm
- IT responsible for training IT employees.
Administrative Support
- Suspend in-process procedure codes and write off fees when not completed
- Mailing labels for non-returning patients – give to Rinda to mail out
- Off boarding all students, staff and faculty for AxiUm
- On boarding all students, staff and faculty for AxiUm
- Order and manage AxiUm swipe cards
- Manage and sponsor IWCC Hygiene students’ guest ID
- Monitor and audit lost and stolen AxiUm ID cards
EHR Audit/Compliance/Policy
- Manage, monitor and communicate all ADA/CDT annual coding changes in AxiUm
- Manage daily audits of patient records
- Monitor patient treatments in process, old treatment plans, etc.
- Mock boards and regular boards documentation and communication to financial services and dental students
- Run audits of staff performance for Kristie Denne
- Produce procedural documentation
Patient Account Management
- Assist cashier and insurance staff with billing, claims and coding questions
- Record management (correct patient records with errors)
Student Support
- WREB, CRDTS, Board exams (work weekends to complete this)
- Approval of codes and notes fee write-off for board exam codes
- Assist and help direct students on appropriate protocols and procedures
- Senior sign out (EHR management)
- Hygiene sign out (EHR management)
- Help students with patient management (when to un-assign, discuss, etc.)