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Q: I sent my document via e-mail to a queue but it never shows up.
A: Did you send from your account?  BluePrint e-mail submission will not work from a non-Creighton account.

Q: How do I get a refund?
A:  Before asking for a refund, please check where you printed your document. If you printed from the MyPrint website, your print job went directly to the printer you selected, please make sure you checked the correct printer. Please contact the service desk and request a refund. Please include the following:

  • Name and NetID
  • Amount
  • Date and time
  • Location/printer #

Card Services can credit accounts directly.

Q: Do I have to be on the CUWireless to use the driver printer?
A: Yes, e-mail print will work from CUGuest but driver print needs a Creighton connection (CUWireless or a wired connection) to work.

Q: Who do I contact with printer problems?
A: Call: 402-280-1111 option 5 for Creighton Help Desk
      In a library:  Please see a librarian at the front desk.